एक दोस्त – यार तुझे पता है,😯
आसमान ⛅️ कितना बडा है ?🙄
दूसरा उसे Hug 🤗 करके बोला –
इस्से तो छोटा ही होगा ।😊
Its True…😗
Nothing is Bigger then friends love.❤️😘😘
सिर्फ एक बार गले 🤗 लगाकर,
मेरे 💘 दिल 💓 की धड़कन सुन💗💓
फिर लौटने का इरादा हम तुम पर छोड़ देंगे…😔😎
Hug 🤗 Day मुबारक🙂💏💏
Worrying doesn’t reduce Yesterdays sorrow But it empties today’s strength So don’t worry Be happy and HUG the life with a smile. Happy Hug day.❤️😘😘
बातों बातों में दिल 💕 ले जाते हो देखते हो,
इस तरह जान ले जाते हो…💏
अपनी आदतों से 💘 दिल को 💗 धड़काते हो….
लेकर बाहों में, तुम सारा जहान भुलाते देते हो…😍
Happy Hug 🤗 Day Jaan❤️😘😘
When you Hug 🤗 someone, Its nothing. 🙂
When someone Hug 🤗 you, Its something.
When you love ❤️ someone and they love you back, 💏
Its everything. Happy Hug 🤗 Day…❤️😘😘
My Sweetheart..😘😘 When u Hug 🤗 me,
I Want to Melt in your arms and
Stay there❤️Forever❤️🙂😗💏💏
कोई कहे इसे जादू की झप्पी.. कोई कहे इसे प्यार.. मौका है खूबसूरत आ गले लग जा यार…
एक ही तमन्ना,☝️ एक ही आरजू…☝️
बाँहों की पनाह में तेरे…
सारी जिन्दगी गुजर जाए…💑💑
Happy Hug 🤗 Day Jan…😗😗
मुझे बाँहों में बिखर जाने दो,❣️
अपनी खुशनुमा साँसों से महक जाने दो, 💘
दिल 💘 मचलता है और सांस रूकती है –
अब तो सीने में आज मुझे उतर आने दो…💏
Happy Hug 🤗 Day Dear…😗
What the ❤️heart gives away is never gone,
But kept in the ❤️hearts of others,
From dusk to dawn.
Hug 🤗 Day you from the core of my ❤️heart.😗😗
Happy Hug 🤗 day…
Went to the doctor to see what was wrong with me and he gave her a jacket,
It lets me hug 🤗 myself…💏
I feel very special.
Happy Hug 🤗 day💏💏
एक बार तो मुझे सीने से लगा ले…
अपने 💘 दिल के भी अरमान सजा ले… 💏
कबसे है तड़प तुझे अपना बनाने की…
आज तो मौका है मुझे अपने पास बुला ले…💏
🤗hAPPY hUG dAY😗🤗
This hug 🤗 will make you feel SO GOOD!
Can you feel it? 😗
Best wishes to you on this hug 🤗 day.💏
आ गले लग जा मेरे यार,
दे दूँ जादू की जप्पी तुझे दो-चार,
Happy Hug Day
Hug Day Special Song Status for WhatsApp:
🎵🎶हम को हमी से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो 🎵🎶
🎵🎶हम अकेले न हो जाये दूर तुमसे न हो जाये पास आओ गले से लगा लो…🎵🎶
Happy Hug Day😗😗
Tears 😭 can sometimes be more special than 😊 smiles.💏
For smiles can be given to anyone but tears are only shed for people we 🤗 Hug…
Happy 🤗 Hug day😗😗
TaLk to me wHen I’m boReD,
kiSS me wHen i’m saD,
🤗 Hug me wHen i cRy,
CaRe for me wHen i diE,
LoVe ❤️ me When I’m sTill Alive.
मौका भी है मौसम भी.!
हुस्न तेरा बेताब भी है.!!
आ करीब सीने से लगा ले.!
गले मिल सारे गम भुला ले.!!
मन ही मन करती हूँ बातें…
दिल ❤️ की हर एक बात कह जाती हूँ…💏
एक बार तो ले लो बाँहों में सजना…
यही हर बार कहते कहते रुक जाती हूँ…💏
Sometimes a simple 🤗 hug from a friend is just enough to get you through the day. ~Happy Hug day
Sometimes a 🤗hug is the answer,
Even when the question is not known. ~Happy 🤗 Hug day
Some times a 🤗hug is all you need. ~ Happy 🤗Hug day
Some thing warm and cozy Just for you because I love ❤️ you…
Happy 🤗 Hug day I am sending u a 🤗 hug dear…
अपनी 🤗 बाँहों में मुझे बिखर जाने दो…
साँसों से अपनी मुझे महक जाने दो…
दिल 💘 बेचैन है कबसे इस प्यार के लिए…
आज तो सीने में अपने मुझे उतर जाने दो…💏
🤗Wish you a Happiest Hug Day🤗
Since ur eyes are looking tired Let ur eye lashes 🤗 hug each other for few hours.
Happy 🤗Hug Day to my dear one. ~Happy 🤗 Hug day
Sending you a 🤗 hug to ease your stress.
A kiss to make you smile and my ❤️ heart to say,
I’m thinking of you.
I miss you!!
Happy 🤗 Hug day to u dear…
तुम गले मिले तो ऐसे लगा जैसे पिछले जनम की बिछड़ी रूह मिली हो…💏💏
🤗Happy Hug Day🤗
Hug Day Jokes
आज 12 Feb हग डे है,
तो कायदे से कल 13 Feb
हेन्ड वॉस डे होना चाहिये न
बचपन से तेज दिमाग है,
पर कभी घमंड नहीं करता…
Happy Hug Day
Hug Day Status in English, Hug SMS in English
A 🤗 hug is the shortest distance between friends. ~Happy 🤗 Hug Day My Best Friend…🙂
No matter where you are I’ll always find my way to ?💏
🤗 Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses I love ❤️ only you!
Wishing my dear a happy 🤗 hug day.
Never wait until tomorrow to 🤗 hug someone you could 🤗 hug today,💏
Because when you give one,
You get one right back your way. Happy 🤗 Hug day.
Never ask for a 🤗 hug Just take it Never ask Do You Love ❤️ me Say I Love you❤️❤️
Never say I Can’t live without you Say I live for you.❤️
You’ve been trained Now go and FLIRT !
Happy 🤗 Hug day.
Loves ❤️ when you get that one-of-a-kind 🤗 hug that just makes all your worries disappear…💏💏
Happy 🤗 Hug day
Love ❤️ the 🤗 hug, but hate letting go. ~Happy 🤗 Hug day
Just do me a favor, Put ur left hand on ur right shoulder and Ur right hand on ur left shoulder.
Guess what…
I just messaged you a 🤗 hug.
Happy 🤗 Hug day💏💏
It sucks when you need a 🤗 hug and nobody is there to give you one. ~Happy 🤗 Hug day
If you hesitate when I hold your hand,
I will let you go. If you run away when I give you a kiss,
I will let you go. But once you let me give you a 🤗 hug,
Just once…
I will never let you go. 💏💏
Happy 🤗 Hug day.
If I had wings I would fly To embrace you in a loving 🤗 hug So that problems just pass by Happy 🤗 Hug Day.
If I could freeze any moment,
It would be any one of the times i was in your arms,
Cause that could never last long enough.
Happy 🤗 Hug day💏💏
If a 🤗 hug represented how much I ❤️ loved you,
I would hold you in my arms forever. Wish you a happy 🤗 hug day.
I’m sending you this 🤗 hug… IT’S FREE! A special 🤗 hug for you FROM ME! Happy 🤗 Hug Day.
I wish guys had the natural instinct to tell when girls need a 🤗 hug. Cuz that would make a lot of girls feel better. ~Happy 🤗 Hug day
I Love ❤️ you more today than I did yesterday, But not as much as I will tomorrow. HAPPY 🤗 HUG DAY💏💏
❤️ I love 🤗 hugging. I wish I was an octopus so I could 🤗 hug ten people at a time on this 🤗 Hug Day.
I know You love ❤️ gifts I am sending you one that is huge…
Its a 🤗 hug from me to you! Happy 🤗 hug Day dear💏💏
I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my ❤️ heart is still the same.
Although I Smile and Seem Carefree,
There is no one Who misses you more than ME!
Happy 🤗 Hugs Day dear.💏💏
🤗 Hug someone you love❤️ and tell how much you care because When they are gone no matter how loud you shout and Cry they won’t hear you anymore. Happy 🤗 Hug day.
Hug 🤗 is the loving gift that
costs no money and can be distributed for
free to make the love❤️ grow.
Love❤️ you honey on the HUG 🤗 day.
At this special Hug Day,
I am sending you a
most precious hug of me,
If you like
then return me too.
Happy Hug Day!
Keep it going by passing this hug 🤗 on to your friends.
🤗Enjoyable Hug Day.🤗
God has gifted me these arms,
So that I can delightfully hug 🤗 you and fill you up with charm Happy Hug 🤗 Day.
Even though i’m away, in my ❤️heart I’m right by your side and here’s a hug 🤗 from me to say,
I love❤️ you a lot. ❤️ Sweetheart.! Happy Hug 🤗 day…
During the lowest phase of your life
a simple hug 🤗 from that
special someone can turn your tears to joy.
🤗Happy Hug Day🤗 💏💏
A kiss without a 🤗hug🤗 is like a flower without the fragrance. ~Happy Hug day🤗
A hug 🤗 is the shortest distance between friends. ~Happy Hug 🤗 day
A hug 🤗is a handshake from the heart.💏💏
So always remain close to my ❤️ heart and best wishes on this hug 🤗 day. ~Happy Hug 🤗 day
A hug 🤗 is a great gift…
One size fits all.
It can be given for any occasion And it’s easy to exchange.
Happy Hug 🤗 day ~Happy Hug 🤗 day
A hug 🤗 from you is the best thing in the 🌎 world! ~Happy Hug 🤗 day😘😘
A hug 🤗 delights and warms and charms,
That must be why God gave us arms.💏💏
Happy Hug 🤗 day.
A hug 🤗 can say I will miss you.
It can say ur special, or best of all,
I love ❤️ you.💏💏
It can soothe a hurt, or calm a fear, or cheer us`when were blue.
So here a hug 🤗 for you. Happy Hug 🤗 day.
A girl wants a guy that will tell her she’s beautiful,
give her a hug 🤗 when she needs it,
and tell her he ❤️ loves her… ~Happy Hug 🤗 day💏